Jamun Juice 750ml

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Rs. 288.00Rs. 360.00+ -20%
weight: 750 ml

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  • 100% natural products

  • All products sourced directly from farmers

  • Jamun is a highly nutritious, refreshing and succulent fruit.
  • It is commonly known as Java plum or Indian blackberry in English, Jamun or Jambul in Hindi, Jambufalam or Mahaphala in Sanskrit, Naavar Pazham in Tamil and Neredu in Telugu, it goes by the botanical name Syzygium cumini.
  • Jamun holds a great significance in holistic treatments like Ayurvedic, Unani and Chinese medicine as it attenuates Kapha and Pitta.
  • The fruit is diuretic, anti- scorbutic and carminative in properties and is a rich source of polyphenolic compounds.
Vendor: BeMarket
Type: Food
weight: 750 ml